Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Lazy Weekend

I'd love to pretend that it's atypical for me to spend a weekend sacked out on my couch with a stack of books, magazines, yarn and needles growing beside me, but this blog is Bottle and Ball for a reason. I'm not much of a people person. Or rather they intimidate me. Or I have social anxiety. Or something like that. So, much like when I was a child, I spend a lot of time alone.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usIt almost disturbs me how childlike this pose is. But I love the stockings. Really, I do. They're like grownup athletic socks. Now I can stop stealing my daddy's.
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Oh how it grows and grows. And oh how sneaky am I, using the darkest picture so my booboo is nearly invisible (although it is the closest to its true color).
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With the new issue of Interweave Knits around the corner, we have a victor as to IK pattern-to -be-knit. I love the first one, but it's going to be the second in Calmer since, unlike the Eunny Jang pattern, this one has extra stitches already built into the pattern for steeking. Besides, I have a frightening number of odd balls of Calmer tucked into various corners of my apartment.

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Lastly, it's sad to have just cast on for another pair of stockings when the newest Anthropologie catalog arrives and to realize that you really want to be making a pair of herringbone stockings instead. I will make herringbone stockings before the weather warms. I will.

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And the above is a sneak peek of yummy things to come.

And, this post is a bit of a mess, but I find it so difficult to get onto Blogger that I feel obligated to choke this post out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great weekend to me! That cupcake is awesome!!

P.S. Can you please email me when you get a chance? My sister is doing a food allergy/labeling project for her thesis, and she remembered you and your allergies from the June potluck. If you're willing, she'd like to pick your mind a bit. Thanks!!