Monday, February 26, 2007


I never thought crochet would take. I've had that Debbie Stoller book for ages. I've tried working from it a few times, but got frustrated and put it down. The problem, I found, was that since I already knit, I couldn't be bothered to crochet. While I've heard crochet can be faster than knitting, I was crawling along, none too sure I was doing anything right. But then it happened. Flipping through Simple Crochet again, I became inspired by the beauty of the crochet stitch. I had a tiny hook and some leftover Rowan Cotton Glace already on hand. So I brought it to work and started. Well, this time it stuck.

I've found I really love the rhythm of crochet. There's something about it that's soothing. It's much easier to do on the train. If your hook falls out, it's really no big deal -- you don't tend to lose too much work. It's easy to back up if you make a mistake. Some of the beauty of learning to crochet, though, is the fact that I'm learning. When knitting, I feel compelled to make everything perfect. But since I'm new to crochet, I'm allowed to make mistakes. That circle up above is a little wonky because I put in too many increases (I chose not to follow a pattern to really liberate me). That blanket for Sivvie -- the cat, who claimed it before I even told her it was hers -- is from a pattern. I don't think it's rippling quite as I expected and it's not a square as much as it is a trapezoid right now, but I'm learning and loving it.

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